The career framework

Upon qualifying, podiatrists are accredited by the RCPod, and regulated by the HCPC (once registered), which obliges healthcare professionals to work at a standard of proficiency. This encapsulates the purpose of continued professional development learning, used to keep some training up to date, but also can be tailored to own interests in order to further increase capabilities within particular areas. Both in the NHS, and private sector, CPD can often be developed to meet the service demands.

CPD falls under four categories known as the four pillars, which underpin practice. These are:

1.  Clinical practice
2.  Leadership and management
3.  Education
4.  Research

To support professional growth, capability frameworks can be utilised to identify the level currently operating at as a practitioner, and by mapping this against the career framework, podiatrists can explore career progression opportunities. This can be undertaken as a self-reflective activity, or this could be worked through with a mentor or employer.

Watch the video below to learn more from Dr Emma Cowley about how to use the career framework tool.


To encapsulate a 360° reflection, gaining feedback from service users, colleagues, and reflecting on own capabilities can provide a detailed overview of yourself as a clinician, and will be a great tool to highlight strengths and areas for improvement.

A variety of capability frameworks are available including:

Reflection activity

As a Level 5 leaving university, the clinical skills are the fullest test tube, whereas when working at a Level 8, further career progression has filled test tubes leadership, facilitating learning and research, as less specialised clinical capabilities have been delegated to the Band 5, 6 and 7.

Reflection: What could you start doing in your practice to fill a test tube you’d be interested in developing? What support might you need to fill that test tube? Is there a test tube you might need to stop filling to focus on this?