CoP attends TUC Women's Conference

The College of Podiatry is in attendance at the TUC Women’s Conference 2020. This year’s conference takes place in London between Wednesday 4 March and Friday 6 March.
The College of Podiatry is in attendance at the TUC Women’s Conference 2020. This year’s conference takes place in London between Wednesday 4 March and Friday 6 March.
The College took the opportunity to both raise two motions and support another by Prospect that calls for dignity for women at work.
In addition to supporting this motion, The College moved two motions of its own. The first called for the TUC to work with the College of Podiatry and others to ensure that safe footwear is available to all members and that workers feet are protected at work. This follows many years of joint campaigning by the College and the TUC about dress codes and footwear at work.
The second motion called for the TUC to campaign for workers to have statutory rights to toilet breaks without detriment and for the government to enforce health and safety legislation to look after workers welfare.
If you're on social media, you make sure to check the College's social media channels for live updates from the TUC Women's Conference. There will be a full review of the conference in the March newsletter to all members and in the April issue of Podiatry Now.