How AHPs can volunteer to support the NHS during Covid-19

If you do not currently work in the NHS but would like to support the health service during this time, there are many ways that you can do so.
If you do not currently work in the NHS but would like to support the health service during this time, there are many ways that you can do so.
- If you are an individual looking to offer your time, for free, to the NHS then you should register through the GoodSAM app (England only)
- If you are a clinician who has left the register in the last three years and you wish to return to clinical practice or to support the telephone 111 service, you should go through the HCPC and this website
- If you are a clinician currently on the register, but not employed by the NHS, you should also go to this website
- If you are a final year student on the HCPC temporary register, you should register your interest on this website
- If you represent a clinical body wishing to make your clinical staff available to the NHS then you should contact Andrew Foster (England only)
- If you are a private organisation with an offer of assistance or support for the NHS you should contact Ed Jones (England only)
- In addition to all of the above, if you have previously worked in the NHS it is good to make yourself available by contacting local NHS employers